Artist Spotlight: Star Pottery

We thought we’d been around a while (this year marks our 20th Anniversary), but Star Pottery has been around for even longer - a whopping 30 years! In that time the owner, Mohamed Hamid, has perfected a style which we love, based around beautiful colours and brushy marks.

Gorgeous items from the Star Pottery ‘Feast’ range

Gorgeous items from the Star Pottery ‘Feast’ range

Based just 20 mins away in Lewes, the Star Pottery studio is tucked away in one of the town’s many alleyways. This one happens to be really close to the Lewes Arms pub, which serves a lovely cup of mulled wine in the colder months.

‘Leaping Fish’

‘Leaping Fish’

‘Blue Wave’

‘Blue Wave’

We love the simple elegance of Mohamed’s work. The forms are beautifully traditional, and fired to a really high temperature, so all his pieces are microwave and dishwasher safe.

‘Triple Cherry’

‘Triple Cherry’

The traditional forms are wonderfully complemented by the gorgeous patterns Mohamed decorates his pieces with, and his delicate choice of palette.

‘Red Daisy’

‘Red Daisy’

The master himself at work

The master himself at work

‘Turquoise Daisy’

‘Turquoise Daisy’

Have you come across any great potters in your adventures that you think should be featured? Get in contact on Facebook or Instagram - we look forward to checking out your suggestions!