The Corona Virus

We have taken this virus seriously and implemented strict cleaning routines for the past few weeks in order to protect both our customers and staff. Studio assistants have been wearing gloves. We ask that all customers wash their hands when they enter the café.

 We are a small close team of ten and as of Sunday 15th March will be working in two teams in order that we do not cross over.  In this way we hope that if one team is unable to work the other team can take over. 

 We will also be limiting numbers in the café – trying to apply some distancing between people - unless you are coming as a group.  We would ask that you book before arriving in order that we can make appropriate plans for the day.

 We value you, our customers, our talented team and our lovely pottery café.  Keep safe and healthy – we hope to stay open so that we can all continue to enjoy this creative space.

 Thank you

Gill x