Our Data Protection Policy - how do we store and use your information?

Here at The Painting Pottery Cafe, we like to keep our customers information to ourselves. At the end of a painting or throwing session, we will ask for your phone number and email address. This is simply just so we have a way of contacting you about your pottery if we need to. It's all stored on the paper ticket you filled out, we do not store anything online. Those paper copies are then shredded once we are done with them.

The only exception to this, is if you choose to tick 'yes' to our mailing list, or sign up for news and updates via the widget on our website. Read below to find out how each one uses and stores your information.

Subscribing via in-store shop ticket

If you tick 'yes' to the mailing list, then we will manually add your email to a list on our MailChimp account, which is what we use each month to design and send out our newsletter. You can read about their Data Protection Policy here (the short version is, they won't put your information anywhere else either - it's all private between us!). 

We do not use any third-party list integration websites like some bigger companies might, and you will always have the option at the bottom of a newsletter from us, to unsubscribe or change your subscription preferences. 

Subscribing via our website

If you enter your email on our website in the 'Sign up' box at the bottom of our website, then Squarespace, which is what we use to host and design our website, will directly import the emails to MailChimp! Squarespace will not store your information - it will always be placed for storage on our MailChimp account. You can read more about how Squarespace manage forms and newsletter storage here. Again, you will always have the option at the bottom of a newsletter from us, to unsubscribe or change your subscription preferences.